This past week, Governor Healey was sworn in along with other constitutional officers. Not only is Healey the first female governor, women now control four of five constitutional positions. The lone male, William Galvin remains as secretary of state. Democrats control all offices as well as overwhelming majorities in the legislature.President Spilka and Speaker Mariano […]
Click The Link regarding an email sent in regard to a petition lead by Rep. Turco
Minutes ago, we received this email from Civil Service in regard to recent updates to the ongoing issue. It appears they are making moves to postpone certain exams, move forward with others and acknowledge they are working on a solution for the exam many of you took and have not been provided a score. We […]
Late yesterday, along with our esteemed legal team, we finalized and sent off our findings and solutions to both Governor Baker and HRD. Since the release of this unfortunate news, we have worked closely with our legal advisors, union partners, membership and board as an information clearinghouse to be able to provide facts, ease some […]
As we previously reported, we have been working diligently with our legal partners to begin to provide meaningful content regard the recent Civil Service issues. We would like to thank Attorney John Scheft for working hard with us to develop the attached position paper. You may download it by clicking here. We hope this brings […]
Since last week’s decision of HRD to not grade promotional exams, we have been laser focused on a meaningful response. We have been in touch with other statewide police and fire unions as well as Governor Baker’s Office, EOPPS and Administration and Finance which oversees HRD and Civil Service. We have had two emergency executive board […]
In the wake of the decision by HRD, the MPA Executive Board continues to work with our legal counsel to gather opinions on the matter at hand and we are providing the membership with a copy of the case. There were many flaws noted by the Superior Court Judge that you will read in this […]
Earlier today, Civil Service sent out a notice to all agencies and candidates who participated in the 2022 Promotional Exam. The notice was to inform those who took the exam that it was cancelled, the exam would not be scored and a refund would be made for the test fee. The reason for the cancellation […]
The MPA is pleased to invite all members (Active and retired) to the 122nd Massachusetts Police Association convention at the Hotel 1620 in Plymouth, MA. October 19th, 20th, and 21st. The hotel will fill up so please book your rooms ASAP, we do have an overflow contingency. The MPA has a full agenda this year that […]
The Emerald Society of the Boston Police is hosting this seminar on September 7, 2022 from 0900 to 1300. Doors open at 0730. Cost is $50.00 Tickets are available for purchase by visiting their website and clicking on “events” at the top of the page. You can also follow this link: Building Financial Strength In First Responder Families -Tickets It […]