The Massachusetts Police Association's Executive Director Jim Machado works tirelessly to ensure that the voice of the association is heard on Beacon Hill. Jim is well respected and has been instrumental in ensuring our primary goals are communicated to the State Delegation. On this page you will find the latest news from Beacon Hill. Jim is constantly updating the association with breaking news that is pertinent to not only active police officers but also retired.
This week was one of the most substantive of this legislative session. On Tuesday, we submitted written testimony to the committee on public service regarding a number of important topics. Our bill H2660 which would do away with the monetary earnings cap and make it strictly the 1200 hours was among many bills on the topic. […]
The Joint Committee on Public service is holding a hearing to collect testimony. The hearing is a hybrid format and those wishing to attend virtually must register. Please visit: https://malegislature.gov/Events/Hearings/Detail/4483 for more information. The deadline to register is Monday, April 3 at 4:00PM
Last week PERAC released a memo to all retirement boards announcing that the earnings waiver enjoyed over the last three years expired on 12/31/22. Although we are filing legislation to provide relief, members are reminded of the current law. Retirees who left before 2022 are allowed to make the difference between their pension and the current […]
This past week, Governor Healey was sworn in along with other constitutional officers. Not only is Healey the first female governor, women now control four of five constitutional positions. The lone male, William Galvin remains as secretary of state. Democrats control all offices as well as overwhelming majorities in the legislature. President Spilka and Speaker […]
Click The Link regarding an email sent in regard to a petition lead by Rep. Turco https://conta.cc/3G8KcWW
Late yesterday, along with our esteemed legal team, we finalized and sent off our findings and solutions to both Governor Baker and HRD. Since the release of this unfortunate news, we have worked closely with our legal advisors, union partners, membership and board as an information clearinghouse to be able to provide facts, ease some […]
The MPA Executive Board has voted to endorse Representative Tom Stanley from the 9th Middlesex District. He has been a longtime supporter of Law Enforcement in Massachusetts and we look forward to working with him in our future endeavors.
The MPA Executive Board voted to endorse Rep. O’Connor. He has a been a longtime supporter of law enforcement in the Commonwealth. We wish him the best of luck in this upcoming election and look forward to working with him in the future. For more information please visit his campaign website: https://www.oconnorforsenate.com/
Last week the MPA join Massachusetts district attorneys in voicing concern over changes to drug forfeiture process. The newest version S2944 changes earlier versions which would have put the money in state control. We were able to show that co-mingling of federal funds was not allowed in drug related cases. Although there may be increased […]
Moments ago the POST Commission closed their public meeting without enacting emergency regulations covering recertification process. After nearly two hours of comments and questions, commissioners were uncomfortable with the emergency enactment. Attorney Scheft spoke on behalf of the MPA with the concerns we had raised in our meeting last week and codified in our document submission. […]