In the wake of the decision by HRD, the MPA Executive Board continues to work with our legal counsel to gather opinions on the matter at hand and we are providing the membership with a copy of the case. There were many flaws noted by the Superior Court Judge that you will read in this case.
The case will now move into the remedy phase in which the court will address the “deep seated legality in the testing format by HRD at lease for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012 exams.” The court has suggested that previous promotions won’t be affected. We also have learned that current established promotional lists will remain active.
The MPA has a diverse membership spanning across departments who participate in Civil Service and also ones that don’t. On the surface, there will be rights under 150E and impacting bargaining as departments change their testing modality for future promotional processes. We will continue to work with our union partners and provide as much information as possible to aid our members who are affected by this. This is going to be a two prong issue, the decision by the Superior Court and also the decision of HRD to cancel the most recent exam.
The MPA Executive Board has planned an emergency meeting this afternoon to discuss this further with our legal counsel.
Stay Tuned for more updates!