Chief Tavares – Marshfield Police
Thank you for sharing your story, Chief! Take a moment to view this video released from Chief Tavares of the Marshfield Police Department
Thank you for sharing your story, Chief! Take a moment to view this video released from Chief Tavares of the Marshfield Police Department
The Cambridge Police Department is in need of our support! In the wake of the Police Reform Bill being signed into law, Cambridge City Councilor Quinton Zondervan is chairing a public safety meeting on Wednesday January 6th, 2021 at 5:00P.M. His intentions are very clear as he has been quoted on social media stating “Budget
Call to Action – Cambridge Police Need Our Support Read More »
Less than twelve hours after Police Reform was signed into Law, A Massachusetts State Trooper was shot in an incident in Springfield. Luckily he was not seriously injured or killed. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and our brothers and sisters of the Massachusetts State Police
In a fait accompli, Governor Baker put the pen to paper and made police reform official. As he did so the MPA joined other police groups in a brainstorming session to plan a course of action for the next legislative session. Among the topics were nominees to serve on the POST commission. We will continue
Reform Signed, COVID-19 Vaccine Plan for First Responders Read More »
Moments ago, the House voted to enact police reform and send it to the Governor for signature. We thank the 51 courageous individuals who stood with us. Like us, they too want reform but know this bill goes too far and puts officers and citizens in peril. We must continue to uphold our oath to
Senate Votes 31-9 to Pass Reform, House Finalizes on Tuesday After a long day of waiting, the Senate quickly voted down several amendments and passed what they called a compromise police teform package. Making minor concessions to assure the Governors signature, the Senate voted 31-9 and sent the bill to the House for action tomorrow.
Although the Senate will be holding a formal session Friday, we have been told that police reform will not be on the agenda. Friday will be to take up budget overrides addressed by the House on Wednesday as well as abortion legislation overrides.The Senate will continue to examine the Governors amendments to the reform bill
After a weekend of productive dialogue, and positive feedback on Monday, today the train went off the rails. We were informed this morning that some in the Governors office had convinced him to put politics before public safety and abandon many of our amendments. We had worked on board makeup and due process protections. Although