I am a Retired dues paying member in good standing of the Massachusetts Police Association, Inc. and former full-time employee of the Police Department specified in this application. I hereby apply to Massachusetts Police Association Legal Defense, Inc. (MPALDF, Inc.) for membership. I am currently a sworn special/reserve police officer performing law enforcement services and direct police-related activities for the Police Department specified in this application. I understand that in order to continue my membership uninterrupted once this application has been accepted, I must pay on or before December 31st of any calendar year the annual membership fee of $150.00 as established by the Massachusetts Police Association Legal Defense Fund, Inc. Committee.
I also understand and agree that in executing this application I am agreeing to the terms and conditions either attached to this application or found at www.masspolice.com, and as modified from time to time by the Contract for Legal Services between the Massachusetts Police Association Legal Defense Fund, Inc. and the Legal Defense Fund attorneys. I have read and understand the aforementioned terms and conditions.
I also understand and agree that my membership in the MPALDF, Inc. will automatically terminate for all employment-related incidents that occur after any of the following events:
1. Termination of my employment as a retired sworn law enforcement officer;
2. Termination of my membership in the Massachusetts Police Association, Inc.;
3. Termination of my member (Department) association’s membership in the Massachusetts Police
Association, Inc. if membership is paid as a group; or
4. My failure to pay the annual membership fee by January 31st to the MPALDF Inc. Treasurer
Any member terminated by any of these reasons shall not be entitled to any refund or rebate of any previously paid membership fees.
I hereby assign and transfer to the MPALDF, Inc. any and all rights to indemnification from for the cost of legal representation that I have or may have against my employer. I agree to cooperate with the MPALDF, Inc. in recouping any amounts expended by the MPALDF, Inc. for legal fees and costs and, upon request, to execute any and all documents necessary or convenient to facilitate a recovery by the MPALDF, Inc. If I have a right of action against any party for legal fees and costs and do not wish to pursue it, I will, upon request assign such right of action to the MPALFD, Inc. or its assigns, to the extent lawfully permissible and assist the MPALDF, Inc. in its prosecution of this cause of action. In the event that I recover compensation or damages from any third party that includes the costs of any legal services provided to me hereunder, I shall fully reimburse the MPALDF, Inc. for the payments it made on my behalf.
I understand that the attorneys provided to me by the MPALDF, Inc. have no obligation or duty to pursue or inquire into indemnification by my employer or its insurer.