The Emerald Society of the Boston Police is hosting this seminar on September 7, 2022 from 0900 to 1300. Doors open at 0730. Cost is $50.00 Tickets are available for purchase by visiting their website and clicking on “events” at the top of the page. You can also follow this link:

Building Financial Strength In First Responder Families -Tickets

It is an important event for everyone, regardless of where you are in your career or life. We make really good money, sometimes even against our own will (ordered shifts). But often what happens is life gets in the way and taking time for proper planning suffers.  

This seminar will show you how to best manage your money so that you get the most out of it, both today and tomorrow. If at some point, you find yourself overwhelmed financially, this seminar will show you ways to get that under control so that you can enjoy more time for yourself and with your loved ones.